Overview of workshop sessions


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are we going to do in the workshops?

  • What can I hope to learn?

  • Set expectations for the two workshop sessions

What is AI and ML?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a generic term which broadly captures efforts to make machines which can replicate human activities. In particular, it focuses on the replication of human intellectual activities rather than physical activities. AI is not a new thing but the popular culture idea of what AI is has changed over time. The diagram below shows how AI has become more specialized and morphed into what we call machine learning (ML), and then recently become more specialized into what is called deep learning.

AI, ML, and DL

In the two sessions which follow we will be using AI and ML to assist in some research activities using solar data.

The workshop sessions

1. Creating an AI for image feature detection

In this first session we will design a class of AI called an expert system. This system will be designed to replicate the analysis process conducted by an expert who is familiar with the data and the task at hand. As such, we’ll first be doing some work manually to understand what features of the images are important to the task, and then doing some computing work to design a system that replicates our HI (Human Intelligence).

2. Training an ML algorithm to predict time series data

In this second session we will dive into a machine learning task with a focus on time series data analysis. This session will cover data collection, data preparation, feature selection, model training, and performance evaluation.

Key Points

  • Workshop 1 is about creating a custom AI to detect features in an image

  • Workshop 2 will teach you how to use ML to make predictions from time series data