Source code for my_package.data_processing
import pandas as pd
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import astropy.units as u
from my_package.load_data import PULSAR_CSV_PATH
[docs]def input_data(csv_path=PULSAR_CSV_PATH):
"""Reads the CSV file and returns a DataFrame with the RA and Dec converted to degrees.
csv_path : str
Path to the CSV file containing the pulsar data.
If none provided will use the pulsar data included with the package.
df : pandas.DataFrame
Pandas DataFrame containing the pulsar data with RA and Dec in degrees.
# Read the CSV file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
# Add new columns to df
df['RA (deg)'] = 0
df['Dec (deg)'] = 0
# Loop over dataframe and convert RA and Dec to degrees
for index, row in df.iterrows():
ra_hms = row['RA (HMS)']
dec_hms = row['Dec (DMS)']
# Create a SkyCoord object and specify the units
c = SkyCoord(ra=ra_hms, dec=dec_hms, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
# Access the converted RA and Dec in degrees
ra_deg = c.ra.deg
dec_deg = c.dec.deg
# Update the DataFrame with the converted values[index, 'RA (deg)'] = ra_deg[index, 'Dec (deg)'] = dec_deg
return df
[docs]def filter_by_name(df, source_names):
"""Filters the DataFrame by source name.
df : pandas.DataFrame
Pandas DataFrame containing the pulsar data with RA and Dec in degrees.
source_names : list of str
A list of source names to filter the DataFrame by.
df : pandas.DataFrame
Pandas DataFrame containing the pulsar data with RA and Dec in degrees.
Filtered by source name.
# Filter the DataFrame by source
df = df[df['Source Name'].isin(source_names)]
return df
[docs]def filter_by_declination(df, min_dec=-90, max_dec=90):
"""Filters the DataFrame by declination.
df : pandas.DataFrame
Pandas DataFrame containing the pulsar data with RA and Dec in degrees.
min_dec : float
Minimum declination to filter by.
max_dec : float
Maximum declination to filter by.
df : pandas.DataFrame
Pandas DataFrame containing the pulsar data with RA and Dec in degrees.
Filtered by declination.
# Filter the DataFrame by declination
df = df[(df['Dec (deg)'] > min_dec) & (df['Dec (deg)'] < max_dec)]
return df